Color: Monochromatic Design
Feb 22, 2024The base of our Pink Champagne on Ice bouquet features a monochromatic color palette highlighting, you guessed it, all things pink! ‘King Size Raspberry Rose’ strawflowers (2) offer a richer, saturated pink to this bouquet. The peachy pink petals of ‘Linda’s Baby’ dahlias (3) give a feminine softness to this bouquet. And finally ‘Queeny Red Lime’ zinnia (1) provides a refreshing pop of lime radiating from the center to highlight the antique burgundy mauve outer petals.
But you may be wondering, why does it work so well together?
The Pink Champagne on Ice bouquet features different shades, tones and tints of the hue red to create a cohesive monochromatic design. Yes, I did say red…
But before we dive into discussing red, let’s view some color theory terms mentioned earlier:
- Hue: the straight color. In this case we are beginning with red.
- Shade: Hue + Black
- Tone: Hue + Gray
- Tint: Hue + White
- Monochromatic - a color palette made of different shades, tones and tints of the same hue
So back to red. Although this bouquet features a range of pink flowers, pink is technically a tint of red because red + white = pink
Refresher: This bouquet contains other colors besides shade, tones and tints of red. You might notice pops of white, but more importantly, a significant amount of green. Red and green are complementary colors, which means they are opposite each other on the color wheel. When used together they make each other really stand out.
You can create monochromatic color palettes using other common colors (or hues 😉) found in the garden such as violets, oranges and yellows. And although technically not a hue in the world of color theory, white flower palettes make timeless monochromatic bouquets.
If any of this color theory talk feels overwhelming or confusing, start your bouquet making journey practicing with monochromatic color palettes. When working with flowers, I find monochromatic color palettes to be some of the most simple and easy to design. Afterall, you’re just picking one color and building your bouquet with the same color. You will always create something beautiful and elegant with a monochromatic palette!
Check out the full Pink Champagne on Ice Plant Palette below!
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