The Rum Punch Dahlia Collection

design planning Jan 18, 2024

Not all dahlias are created equal, especially when it comes to dahlias we want to cut and enjoy in our vases. We’ve spent years researching and trialing different varieties to determine our favorites for cutting.

Our standards include:

  • vigorous plant growth
  • prolific blooms (ideally, early, prolific blooms)
  • long-ish vase life (5+ days when cut at the proper stage)
  • And for our favorite color palette, Rum Punch, how well they coordinate with the Rum Punch aesthetic. 

If you’ve grown dahlias for cutting in the past you probably already know that most ball and many decorative dahlias typically have the longest vase life, which is why you’ll find so many of these varieties on our list.

Here are our top dahlias for cutting in the Rum Punch color palette:

Ball Varieties


Cornell Bronze

Linda’s Baby

Caitlin’s Joy


Decorative (Formal and Informal) Varieties

Feline Yvonne (pictured) and/or American Dream


Ryan C

Daisy Duke

Hillcrest Suffusion

Waterlilly Variety

Creme de Cassis

Dinnerplate Varieties

Penthill Watermelon

Babylon Bronze

We’ll be trialing some new varieties in 2024 as considerations to add to our Rum Punch collection - Brown Sugar, Burlesca, Cryfield Harmony, Sweet Suzanne and Yvonne. If any of these varieties make the cut, we’ll update the blog at the end of the season. Can’t Wait!

If you are looking for tips on buying dahlias at your local farmers market, check out this video on what to look for when buying dahlias.