Leaning Into Winter
Dec 02, 2022Lessons in Grace
As much as I say I am going to embrace this season of darkness, I get home from work and often feel paralyzed by the lack of light and life around me. Maybe you can relate? It’s hard to be motivated when every vibration of your being is summoning you to hibernate. This year I am allowing myself to just surrender and lean into the cozy callings of my living room couch. I remind myself that you don’t have to be productive constantly.
Sometimes things just don’t go according to plan and there’s nothing you can do about it except give yourself some grace. The holidays, injuries and illnesses, work drama, relationships, all of these examples plus countless other messy things are full of life lessons and an opportunity for self-compassion.
Personally, I wish I could have made it to more makers markets this season, but I just couldn’t because I’m feeling fatigued. I haven’t ordered the holiday cards to share with friends and family. My house is not decorated for the spirit of the season. And guess what? That’s ok. I am giving myself grace for not meeting every deadline. For not posting on social media everyday (I’ve missed you all, but the break has been much needed). For delivering this newsletter late.
I can hear her whispering in my ear, “Give yourself some grace, honey”.
Maybe it’s just me getting older, but I’m noticing more and more how allowing yourself some grace will lead to a richer and more fulfilling life. I don’t know what 2023 holds for any of us, but I can’t wait to experience it with all of you. As we enter deeper into the holiday season I hope that we all give ourselves permission to be real. To accept the messes, the imperfections. And I hope that you’ll remember to give yourself grace.
I miss gardening. I miss the feeling of mother nature’s forgiveness. She doesn’t compete, she doesn’t internalize or over analyze her mistakes. Instead, she just grows. She is the embodiment of grace.