Seeding 101

seeding Feb 13, 2023

The seed catalogs are arriving full of dreamy pictures that are oh so tempting and the promise of a summer cutting garden is in the air. I’ve been starting seeds for well over a decade and wanted to share my top 5 investments for successful seeding. I say invest because you absolutely want high quality. That old adage, you get what you pay for? Well, it’s true and I know from over 15 years of growing experience. To give yourself the highest chance for success you want to start with the right tool for the right job and invest in quality.

  1. Quality Seeds
  2. Quality Grow Light
  3. Quality Soil Media
  4. Quality Instruction and Education
  5. Yourself

Now, If you’ve started seeds before and are not seeing the results you’d hoped for, Module 2 of the online course will give you the guidance to make the necessary changes to your seed starting process.